Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A River Bath I Had

Sometime ago, when I was in Thailand. a neighboring friend took me to have a bath in the Menam Chao Phraya . Menam is the longest river in Thailand and I had been longing to have a bath in it for sometime during my stay in the country.

From Bankok we traveled about eight kilometers up the river somewhere near the suburban town Songgol. This was the ideal place or bath. Hundreds of river boats were always to be seen in the rivers along with thousands of floating logs. So we had to be careful. The very sight of the river was a wonder to me, for I had never seen such a big river before.

The river water was rather warm because it was about mid-day and I was afraid to go beyond the verge. My friend who could swim well, swam for some distance me most was the innumerable schools of  fish, both big and small surrounding me all the time. We bathed for an hour and returned home.