Sunday, May 1, 2011

Fishing in Cambodia

Cambodia has many naturally occurring takes as well as rivers. There are good places for many series of fish both in saltwater and freshwater and at all times, both in the wet season and the dry season. In the wet season, however, fishermen catch fewer fish than in the dry season.

Fishing in Cambodia
In the wet season, rainwater floods the center of the country particularly around the Great Lake. The plants around the edge of the lake are covered by water, which can be quire deep in places. At this time, all series of fish to grow quickly, because they can feed on the various plants and insects in the water.

Fishing in Cambodia
In October, the dry season starts and the water level fails. This is the best time for fishing. The fishermen use all kids of tools to catch their fish. Fishing nets, fish traps and instruments made from bamboo are the sort of tools they can use.

Fishing in Cambodia
The main areas where people catch fish are the Great Lake and the Tonle Sap river. Cambodia is famous for its freshwater fishing and every year exports fish to other countries.